What we believe
Our philosophy relies on principles listed below.
We try to keep it in sync with our evolution.
1. Collaboration makes products more robust.
There is a clear distinction between the transit data, and the use that is made of them.
We believe that specialization is key success factor for robust information systems.
Generating the data, creating services over the data, and using the data to build an app for a end-user are all very different activities.
Collaboration between actors is a more flexible approach.
the architecture is like a chain, with different building blocks brought by different specialist actors that serve the next building block in the chain.
2. Driven by openess. We leverage openness.
We actively contribute to open source project, that's a mean to have links to other developers and build a community around a project. It is also an effective mean for innovation.
Open data
Open data is the fuel for any project. It means a possibility to create added value services.
It means that anybody can re-use the data, either for vizualition, checking or creating new services.
A limiting factor is the quality and the standardisation of data; so we try to push actors generating data though their transit activities to standardize and focus on quality. The aim is to provide transit data that can be reused in multiple contexts and projects.
Open architectures
It is important to avoid monolithic architecture that ties the customer with a specific provider and creates a de facto monopoly.
We are in favor of open-architecture, with dedicated layers that can be customized and used on-demand.
More-over the architecture should rely on a quality raw data upon which are based services that will serve multiple apps.
strong>Open standards
In open-standards the collaboration is key. It is the guarantee that a standard will be neutral and not tied to any particular interest. We promote the use of globally accepted standards. In the case of public transport, we focus on the globally accepted GTFS format for static transit data. Of course we master as well other more regional standards, but prefer GTFS because it means more possibilities for reuse as it is more global.
For the alerts and real-time several standards have emerged either at European level or world level : SIRI or GTFS-RT.

3. Quality of information is highly dependent on quality of data.
Data that is outdated, incorrect or not accurate provide lame services, and weak information to a frustrated end-user.
Moreover the information provided should be designed to be used in several contexts.
We attach a very high importance to the quality of the data, whether static or real-time, and provide the appropriate tools to evaluate and monitor, but also to correct, filter, or augment.
4. Specialization and focus.
We therefore focus on what we are good at : providing quality transit data, providing transit services for everyone.
We don't try to do everything.
We keep focus on our field so we only develop systems for mobility, especially for public transport agencies.
We bring technical expertise and experience to our customers.
5. Automation.
6. Technology should be for everyone.
We believe that technology should be for everyone and make sure to bring new services to everyone including smaller/less dense urban areas.
7. Mobility information should be versatile.
But, we also believe that the mobility information could be used in a lot of different ways. It is up to the designers, developers and people to imagine new uses of the transit information.
8. Our products, improvements are driven by customer needs.
We don't try to do a "one shot" fix for a specific customer; instead we try to generalize the use case and improve our product or service so it can benefit all our other customers.
So, any collaboration with a new customer leads to additional experiences and better quality for all.
9. The devil is in the details.
The use cases we had to face in the past are now part of our experience package.
Our products reflects the cumulated experience. We look at the details, our products too.
10. Experiments.
Sometimes we try to convince others (including customers) to join us in an experiment.
It is fun and always a rewarding experience.
11. Innovation.
But we can't do everything, so we stay focused.
When we release a new service or products, our customers are the first to benefit from it.